# create i10 external cause of injury code to mechanism mapping
# generate lookup table from pdf using regex.
source("./prelim/mapping functions.R")
################################### Main Program #########################################
# read in the data
df <- read.csv("./prelim/create i10_ecode/icd10_transcode_in.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
# transpose to long format and split out intent codes
df2 <- tidyr::gather(df, key, value,-1:-3) %>%
tidyr::separate(key, c("key", "intent"), -2) %>% mutate(intent = as.numeric(intent))
df3 <- df2 %>% mutate(key = substr(key, 1, nchar(key)-1))
#process each cell
df4 <- df3 %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(codes = process_cell(value))
df5 <- splitstackshape::cSplit(df4, "codes", ",", type.convert = F)
purrr::dmap(df5, class) # make sure col classes are character
df6 <- df5 %>% select(-6) %>% tidyr::gather(col_number, dx, -1:-5) %>%
select(-col_number) %>%
# check that dx is unique id
# check duplicates if any
# df6 %>% group_by(dx) %>% mutate(n=n()) %>% filter(n>1)
# subset and map numeric codes to character values
final <- df6 %>% select(dx, mechmaj, mechmin, intent) %>% arrange(dx)
# replace e-code mech maj, mechmin and intent with text. Be sure mapping functions are loaded.
i10_ecode <- final %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(mechmin = map_mechmin(mechmaj, mechmin)) %>%
mutate(mechmaj = map_mechmaj(mechmaj)) %>%
mutate(intent = map_intent(intent))
write.csv(i10_ecode, file = "./lookup_tables/i10_ecode.csv", row.names = F)
########################### end main program #############################################
######### helper functions that need to loaded before running main program ##################
######### also some strings for testing. To understand read from bottom up ##################
s <- "*U30-*U32 (.2;.4-.9)"
s <- "VU30-VU32 (.2;.4-.9)"
s <- "W25-W29"
s <- "V02-V04 (.1, .9)"
s <- " V09.2 "
cell <- "VU30-VU32 (.2;.4-.9), V34.0"
cell <- "V02-V04 (.1; .9)"
process_cell <- function(cell){
units <- str_split(cell,",") %>% unlist()
res <- lapply(units, process_unit) %>% unlist()
res <- paste(str_trim(res), collapse=",")
# processes a unit after it has beeen split on commas
process_unit <- function(s){
if(!str_detect(s, "\\(|-|\\)")){
result <- str_replace(s, "\\.","")
} else {
# strip out components
n <- str_extract_all(s, "[0-9][0-9]") %>% unlist()
l <- str_extract(s, "[A-Z]") %>% unlist()
parens <- str_extract(s, "\\(.*\\)") %>% unlist()
#combine letter and double digit sequence
nlist <- paste0(l, formatC(expand(n), width = 2, format="d", flag=0))
# work on parens/ decimals
# split on semicolons
parens_split <- str_split(parens,";") %>% unlist()
# expand decimal lists
decimal <- sapply(parens_split, expand_parens) %>% unlist() %>% as.numeric()
# combine A12 A13 A14 with .2 .3 .4 -> A122 A123 ect..
result <- outer(nlist, decimal, paste, sep="") %>% as.vector() %>% sort()
} else {
result <- nlist
# extracts decimal values in parens after they have been split on ;
# expecting somthing like '(.2-.4' or '.2)'
expand_parens <- function(parens_split){
n <- str_extract_all(parens_split, "[0-9]", simplify = T)
# n is a lenth 1 or 2 character vector
# if length is 1 then the number is returned
# if length 2 then n[1]:n[2] is returned as numeric
expand <- function(n){
# print(n)
stopifnot(length(n) %in% c(1,2))
n2 <- seq(as.numeric(n[1]), as.numeric(n[2]), 1)
} else if(length(n)==1){
n2 <- as.numeric(n)
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